Product Ordering

Purchase any of our array of digital and book products at our online store. Books will be shipped and a separate email will be sent with links to download the digital products you order. Download and save the files to your computer.

The Wand, Quiver of Arrows, Arrow, Pouch of Boomerangs, Boomerang

Each issue is an individual PDF file. The set or individual issues are delivered via email in a Zip File. Open the zip file by clicking on it, and then download each individual PDF to your computer or tablet/iPad. Permission to print is included.

The Writer's Jungle

The Writer's Jungle comes in PDF format (suitable for tablets and computers, 260+ pages), or in a sleek three-ring binder, which includes tab dividers for the 20 chapters, and wide margin space for your copious notes. 

Jot It Down, Partnership Writing, Faltering Ownership

Four color, 80-150 page PDF files suited to all screens. 

Help for High School

Black and white PDF file, downloaded to your computer or tablet. 170+ pages. 

All purchases of digital products are FINAL. No refunds.


The Brave Writer Bundles are designed to give you a  complete writing and language arts program that matches your child's developmental stage of growth in writing. Yes, you can use one bundle for everyone (spanning one or more developmental stages)! Simply modify the practices up or down a level to include more children.

There are two-three products in each bundle:

  • Original Writing Instruction Manual for parent or teen (The Writer's Jungle, Help for High School) The original writing instruction manuals teach you or your teen how to write.
  • Literature Guides featuring copywork, dictation, and literary elements (Wand, Quiver, Arrow, Boomerang) These teach the mechanics of writing: grammar, spelling, punctuation, and literary devices. 
  • Scheduled Writing Projects  (Jot It Down, Partnership Writing, Faltering Ownership) Scheduled writing projects include detailed week-by-week instructions for 10 month-long writing projects.

Brave Writer Lifestyle Tools

These tools are individual products designed to address one aspect of the Brave Writer Lifestyle or your homeschooling experience. Each one is intended to inject a little inspiration into your routine. Reasonably priced and targeted help, just for you!

Poetry Teatime

Resources to help bring the magic of poetry to your home.

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